This is a 38 year old woman seeking a Sydney Plastic Surgeon for abdominoplasty to repair her rectus diverication. She has had children and despite being a personal trainer, was not able to attain a flat stomach.
She had functional dynamic instability of her torso and a preoperative ultrasound confirmed a rectus diverication as wide as 5cm.
She was back to normal daily activity at 3 weeks and abdominal exercises by 12 weeks with a stable torso.
Abdominoplasty41 year old woman with post pregnancy abdomino-pelvic instability. Optimised with preoperative dedicated physiotherapy however rectus diverication persisted to necessitate surgery.
Abdominoplasty performed with a modified Lockwood technique and liposuction to enhance a flatter abdomen, narrow the waist and repair her rectus diverication.
A woman in her 30s seeking Abdominoplasty from a Sydney plastic Surgeon due to intertrigo and discomfort precluding a healthy lifestyle.
A modified Pitanguy technique with adjunctive liposuction was used.
50 year old woman seeking a Plastic Surgeon in Sydney for abdominoplasty.
Arthritic knees was leading to an inability to exercise and weight gain that was causing problems including an abdominal pannus.
A modified Lockwood technique to reduce her abdominal pannus and liposuction to the flanks was used to sculpt the result.